How do the doctors at Precision Chiropractic determine when you need to be adjusted?
At Precision Chiropractic, we focus on identifying and correcting Structural Abnormalities in the spine. In particular, in this article we will be talking about how we know when a correction is needed on a day-to-day basis in our office. Using the latest diagnostic tools available we are able to determine the characteristics of the Structural Abnormality.
Allow me to give you an example of what I am talking about: A scientist, when identifying diseases, looks for certain patterns, behaviors, signs, and symptoms. For instance, in diabetes, common red flags are frequent urination, tiredness, lack of concentration, and slow-healing wounds. In addition, tests such as the Fasting Glucose Test, Oral Glucose Tolerance test, and Hemoglobin A1c Test are used to screen and diagnose diabetes.
Similarly, abnormal Structural Shifts have certain patterns, behaviors, signs, and symptoms. Once you understand the disease then you can look for the clues or indicators.
Common Signs and Symptoms include:
1. Headaches/Migraines
2. Neck and Shoulder discomfort and Pain
3. Abnormal Head tilt and/or rotation
For Structural shifts in the spine, there are four primary indicators:
1. Secondary Postural Compensations
2. Abnormal Structural Findings on Digital Spinographs
3. Automatic System Imbalance
4. Friction detected with the NeuroFunctional Scanner
Readings taken with the NeuroFunctional Scanner allow the doctor to detect friction and constriction to the nerves caused by the underlying Structural Shift in the spine. This invaluable high-tech tool allows the doctor to determine whether a patient needs an adjustment, and afterwards, if the adjustment was successful in correcting the Structural Shift.
Unlike conventional chiropractic where spinal manipulations occur on every visit, at Precision Chiropractic, we use the latest advances in technology to ensure that when we make a correction, it’s at the right place and time. This is essential for the stabilization of the spine as well as achieving a long-term solution for our patients.
Would your scab heal if you picked on it every day?
It’s time for a more scientific method.
Call our office and come to one of our introductory presentations or schedule a Complimentary Consultation to find out more about Structural Abnormalities and how they might be affecting your health.