It’s spring! Traditionally, springtime is a great opportunity to do a deep cleaning of your house, clean out your closet, or maybe apply a fresh coat of paint. Perhaps for you, its time to plant a new garden. But what about your body? What can you do to freshen up? Today we will talk about two things you can do this spring to detoxify your body (and maybe lose a few pounds along the way if that’s a goal of yours).
First up: Fasting
There are different ways to fast effectively.
You can do a cleansing fast where you create a drink made with water, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper for 2-3 days (Google “master cleanse” for more details). This will flush food and other toxins out your colon.
If that seems too hardcore, you can try intermittent fasting. With intermittent fasting, you can select an 8-hour window of time during the day when you can eat. For an example: 10am to 6pm. Make sure to eat small meals and snack during this period of time. For most people, this can be incorporated into a daily routine.
Check out this infographic of all the benefits of intermittent fasting!
Finally: Watch what you eat (when you’re not fasting, of course)!
More greens! Vegetables such as kale, broccoli, artichokes, and avocados have certain acids, nutrients, vitamins and they lack soluble fiber, all of which help your body cleanse your gut.
But you knew that already didn’t you?
Here is something that you might not know – you might have food sensitivities (not food allergies, that’s something different – read here for more info).
A food sensitivity is a delayed reaction to food. Reactions can occur up to 72 hours after the food has been ingested making it difficult to pinpoint which food is the culprit.
Do you have any of the following symptoms after you eat?
• fatigue
• gastrointestinal problems, including bloating and gas
• itchy skin and skin rashes like eczema
• brain fog
• muscle or joint aches
• headache
• sleeplessness and sleep disorders
• chronic rhinitis (runny nose), congestion, and post-nasal drip
If you do, please get an IgG food sensitivity test. You can pinpoint the specific foods you need to eliminate from your diet. This will help keep your gut healthy and help prevent inflammation in your body.
Incorporating these two strategies into your lifestyle will make you feel like a brand new you!
If you have any questions please feel free to call us at 904.310.0064 or come in for a free consultation.