Why does my neck crack and pop?
When you hear a pop or a crack in your neck it is actually joint fluid that is changing into gas. It is a chemical change, NOT the physical rubbing of two bones together. When a joint is stretched, the pressure changes and causes the fluid to change into gas.
AGAIN, it is NOT two bones rubbing together!
The technical term for this noise is called cavitation. For the most part cavitations are normal and can happen during day to day activities such as stretching in the morning.
However, if these cavitations are happening frequently and are associated with pain, headaches or tension in the shoulders, it could be a sign of a bigger problem. Most often, ligament laxity (instability) is the reason for abnormal cavitations in the neck. This is why it is important that you don’t try to manipulate yourself. You could only be contributing to the problem!
As a NeuroStructural Chiropractor, we use state of the art tools to identify the cause of ligament instability so we can provide care that will stabilize the neck and spine.
No more cracking and popping!