I had pain every day. If I stood too long it would get painful, if I sat down for too long it would get too painful, If I walked too long it would get painful. I would get headaches pretty frequently. I guess I thought headaches were normal and It happened to people. I’ve been to conventional chiropractors, my husband has bought all kinds of pillows, massage guns, roller balls to try to help. We tried so many things. The neck pain and headaches have been going on for 6-7 years. My low back has been bothering me since middle school.
Now I can do a lot of things. I did a nature walk with my son for an entire hour. I didn’t have to stretch. I didn’t have to take any medications. I used to take ibuprofen every single day. I only have headaches when I need an adjustment.
The thing that surprised me the most was how simple and effective the care is. The process is easy and smooth.
Kim S.