Common vs. Normal
My favorite part of the consultation process with a new patient is reviewing their questionnaire and learning more about their health history.
One interesting thing I’ve noticed over the course of thousands of patient consultations is the thin but meaningful line between what’s common and what’s normal.
For instance, I might ask a patient if they’ve experienced headaches or migraines, and often I’ll hear something like, “Oh, just my normal headaches.”
This response suggests that headaches have become their norm—a situation where something common has been mistaken for normal.
But is it normal to have headaches?
Headaches are a sign that something is off. Could it be a vision issue? High blood pressure? Sinus pressure? While the root cause might vary, one thing remains true: it’s not normal. Headaches may be common, but they are not healthy or normal!
We shouldn’t get so used to pain that we allow it to become part of our everyday lives.
We love hearing from our patients when they tell us, “I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten—I feel better than I have in years!”
Don’t let years go by before taking action. Address those common but unhealthy issues now.
Whether it’s taking care of your spine and nervous system with us or seeking help from another healthcare professional, take the first step to prioritize your health today.